Are you in danger of being Stupid 4ever? Do you …
Ask someone, “What’s the number for 911?”
Believe you always communicate perfectly?
Conceal your mistakes?
Decide to ask your boss to be the star of your new book titled, Stupid 4ever?
Embrace only the facts that support your position?
Force compliance to a policy and expect it to be fully embraced?
Generate ideas without evaluating them?
Highlight all of your accomplishments to everyone you meet?
Ignore warning signs?
Jump to conclusions without investigating the facts?
Kick friends out of your life who provide you sincere advice?
Learn how to make convincing excuses?
Mock honorable people?
Negotiate your future with a psychic?
Obsess over a sunk cost?
Predict the precise timing of the next stock market crash?
Quit asking questions?
Read horoscopes?
Shift blame to everyone else?
Tweet before you’ve gathered all the facts?
Underestimate the influence of negative people?
Violate ethical principles?
Watch the “Keeping Up With the Kardashians”?
Xpect different results when you repeat a dysfunctional behavior?
Yank the tail of a sleeping crocodile?
Zoom in on a solution too quickly?